Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University

Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University (RLBCAU) is situated in the historical city of Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh). As academic and research spaces universities have to contribute significantly in the evolution of a nation and its people. We have to transform RLBCAU in a knowledge hub for education, research and extension in agriculture and allied sciences so that University can function as an Institution of National Importance in real sense ensuring holistic development of Indian agriculture.
Capacity building through national and international linkages to ensure quality higher education, research and extension through innovations in agriculture and allied sciences is need of the hour. To ensure holistic development, security and to have bargaining power any country need self-sufficiency in food. The recruitment of quality faculty and ancillary staff in transparent manner ensures quality teaching, research and extension education. Priority has to be given to inculcate habit of punctuality, discipline and eagerness to learn among stakeholders. The much-needed transparency in financial and academic management has to be in place with effective monitoring. Regular feedback from stakeholders will be collected to improve working environment. Students and staff will be provided opportunities for expression of their views to promote harmony and innovativeness. Mapping of the bio resources will ensure enhanced targeted export. Priority setting for research and extension will be based on real need. Research will focus on climate resilient agri-horticultural crops, fruits, vegetables, flowers etc. besides fishery and animal sciences. The Bundelkhand region has potential to become ‘Seed Production Hub’. Promotion of improve breeds of small ruminants and cattle will be given due importance in research and out-reach programmes. Artificial intelligence and remote sensing data has to be exploited for smart agriculture. Farmers of the region are hardly using agro-chemicals; therefore, organic/natural farming will be promoted to cover 10-12% of the total area, particularly to produce seeds organically. The ravines area can be utilized for planting trees of fodder value using artificial seeds. Course curriculum (UG &PG) will be aligned with National Education Policy (NEP-2020). Efforts will be made to impart education for preparing young students to cater industry' need and to make students entrepreneurial. Taking into consideration the requirements of the industries, new training modules will be prepared and included in syllabus. Linkages will be established with various departments and ministries of the state and central government to attract funds. Need based modules for learning and stakeholders training will be established to develop better linkages with the farming community.
I extend a warm and affectionate welcome to all the students who aspire to be a part of the intellectual fraternity at Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University. We welcome your feedback. If you have any question, feel free to contact us through email.
Dr A K Singh
Vice- Chancellor
Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi
Phone: 0510-2730777 (Jhansi)
Phone/Telefax: 011-25846034 (Campus Office)
Email: vcrlbcau@gmail.com