Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University
About Bundelkhand Region
This region is located in the heartland of the country and spread in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. It is characterized by undulating topography, predominance of gravelly and poor quality soils, traditional methods of crop production, lack of adequate infrastructure, and typical socio-cultural set-up. Traditionally, pulses, oilseeds and coarse grains dominated agriculture as these crops are considered drought hardy in nature. Although the region receives a reasonably good annual rainfall (~800 mm) but it is highly erratic resulting in drought like situation in most of the years. The rainwater management (including drainage) is a major issue in the region, though it offers opportunities for tapping this precious resource for enhancing production and productivity. Despite large investments over the last few decades, there has not been much change at the ground level as a significant proportion of the rural populace still migrate to other areas due to acute shortage of water, failure of crops and lack of livelihood security. It is considered a relatively backward area in terms of agricultural research and development.
Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University (RLBCAU) has been established as an Institution of National Importance and centre of excellence in teaching, research and extension education in the field of agriculture and allied sciences with social commitment by integrating modern, scientific and technological knowledge and skills with the basic human ethos and values.