Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University
SL NO. | Title of the project | Project Leader |
1 | Efficient resource management for higher crop productivity and soil health in diversified cropping system | Dr. Yogeshwar Singh |
2 | Conventional and biotechnological approaches for increasing crop productivity and nutritional quality | Dr. Anshuman Singh |
3 | Detection, identification and management of diseases and insect-pests of crops | Dr. P.P. Jambhulkar |
4 | Technology transfer and impact assessment of improved technologies and livelihood security | Dr. Ashutosh Sharma |
5 | Improving productivity of fruit crops through genetic enhancement and resource management | Dr. Ranjit Pal |
6 | Improving productivity of vegetable crops though genetic enhancement and resource management | Dr. Arjun Lal Ola |
7 | Floriculture and landscaping for higher income and aesthetic value | Dr. Gaurav Sharma |
8 | Post-harvest processing and value-addition of agricultural and horticultural produce for enhanced income | Dr.Ghan Shyam |
9 | Development of industrial agroforestry models and plantation technology for afforestation | Dr. Manmohan Dobriyal |
10 | Collection of germplasm, evaluation, multiplication, and improvement of forest tree species | Dr. Swati M. Shedage |
11 | Utilization of forest tree/ wood-based resources and NWFPs / MAPs by value-addition, processing | Dr. A.S. Kale |
12 | Decision support system for different landscape environment and climate change | Dr. Pavan Kumar |
Externally-funded projects
SL NO. | Title of the project | Duration | Budget (Rs. in lakhs) | Funding agency | Project team |
Research | |||||
1 | Evaluation of linseed germplasm for major abiotic stresses (drought and salinity) under the DBT Network Project “Leveraging genetic resources for accelerated genetic improvement of linseed using comprehensive genomics and phenotyping approaches” | 2020-2025 | 89.30 | DBT, GoI | PI:Dr. Vishnu Kumar
Co-PIs: Dr. Rakesh Choudhary, Dr. Artika Singh |
2 | Identification of abiotic stress (water logging and drought) tolerant sesame genotype under the DBT Network Project “Mainstreaming sesame germplasm for productivity enhancement and sustainability through genomics assisted core development and trait discovery” | 2020-2025 | 52.94 | DBT, GoI | PI:Dr. Artika Singh |
3 | Wide hybridization and genetic enhancement under the DBT Network Project “Mainstreaming sesame germplasm for productivity enhancement and sustainability through genomics assisted core development and trait discovery” | 2020-2025 | 39.92 | DBT, GoI | PI:Dr Rakesh Choudhary |
4 | Characterization of chickpea germplasm resource to accelerate genomics-assisted crop improvement | 2020-2025 | 197.26 | DBT, GoI | PI:Dr. S.K. Chaturvedi Co-PIs: Dr. Anshuman Singh Dr. Meenakshi Arya |
5 | Fusarium spp. associated with post flowering stalk rot of maize: ecology, genetic diversity, pathogenicity, pathogenic resistance assessment | 2019-2022 | 49.00 | DST-SERB | PI:Dr. P. P. Jambhulkar |
6 | Promotion of value-added and herbal industry oriented cultivation of medicinal plants and their quality analysis for facilitating better industrial value for self-employment generation and sustainable development of farmers in Bundelkhand region | 2018-2020 | 28.98 | DST, GoI | PI:Dr. Meenakshi Arya Co-PI: Dr. Anshuman Singh |
7 | AGGRI Alliance (One IRRI Breeding Network – DELS-1) | 2021-2023 | 3.0 | IRRI | PI:Dr. Anshuman Singh Co-PI: Dr. Rumana Khan |
8 | Capture of images for using AI Mobile App. for development and management of online disease and pests image database on various crops (NAHEP-II component) | 2020-2022 | 17.50 | ICAR-NAHEP | PI:Dr. Shubha Trivedi Co-PI: Dr. Tanuj Mishra |
9 | Establishment of Hi-tech nursery for quality transplants production of vegetables, flowers and MAPs in Bundelkhand region | 2021 | 80.00 | RKVY-UP | PI:Dr. Arjun Ola |
10 | Establishment of Hi-tech nursery for production of quality planting material of agroforestry and plantation trees in Bundelkhnad region of Uttar Pradesh | 2021 | 33.10 | RKVY-UP | PI:Dr. Prabhat Tiwari |
11 | Protected cultivation of high-value cut flowers of Bundelkhand region | 2021 | 64.85 | RKVY-UP | PI:Dr. Priyanka Sharma |
12 | Promotion of bee keeping for additional income and self-employment of rural youth in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh | 2021 | 259.05 | RKVY-UP | PI:Dr. Usha |
13 | Establishment of plant health clinic for Bundelkhand regionof Uttar Pradesh | 2020-21 | 253.65 | RKVY-UP | PI:Dr. P.P. Jambhulkar |
14 | Promotion of low-cost mushroom production technology in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh | 2020-21 | 207.75 | RKVY-UP | PI:Dr. Shubha Trived |
Academic | |||||
15 | Strengthening teaching- learning ambience for excellence in academics, research and extension | 2019-2022 | 497.45 | NAHEP-ICAR | PI:Dr. S.K. Chaturvedi |
16 | ELP on seed production, processing and marketing | 2018-2020 | 64.12 | ICAR, New Delhi | PI:Dr. S.K. Chaturvedi |
17 | ELP on production of quality transplants and processing of medicinal and aromatic plants | 2018-2020 | 61.75 | ICAR, New Delhi | PI:Dr. A.K. Pandey |
Extension | |||||
18 | Promoting groundnut cultivation in District Datia (MP) though farmers belonging to Schedule Caste | 2020- 2021 | 39.40 | ICAR-DGR, Junagarh | PI:Dr. Ashutosh Sharma Co-PI: Dr. S.K. Chaturvedi, Dr. S.S. Singh |
19 | Sustainable and diversified agri-food systems for improving resource-use efficiency and farm incomes in Bundelkhand, India | 2021-2022 | 4.0 | CIMMYT | PI:Dr. S.S. Singh |
20 | Enhancing rapeseed-mustard production among scheduled caste farmers of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh for sustainable livelihood security under the scheduled caste Sub-Plan (SCSP) | 2021-22 – 2023-24 | 75.0 | DRMR, Bharatpur | PI:Dr. S.S. Singh |